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S.G Luisa Piccarreta


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Quotes taken from the writings (spiritual diary) of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (1865 - 1947, Corato - Italy).

Nativity: The birth of Jesus in the world and in the souls.

"The best way of having Me be born in one's heart is to empty oneself of everything. Finding this void in the soul, I can fill it up with all My goods.
The second way of having Me be born and increasing my happiness is, everything that the soul does whether it is internal or external must be done for Me, to serve me, to honor Me and to follow My orders.
The third is love of heroism, love magnified, love of sacrifice." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. VIII, Dec. 25 1928)
"In the act of My Nativity there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. XVII, Dec. 24 1924)
"The act of My nativity was the most solemn act of Creation; Heaven and earth felt overwhelmed by the most profound adoration at the sight of my little Humanity, which enclosed my Divinity. Therefore, in the act of my Nativity there was an act of silent and of profound adoration and prayer." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. XVII, Dec. 24 1924)
"I was born once; but this birth makes Me be reborn continuously. I am reborn in every consecrated host, I am reborn every time the creature returns to My grace; My first birth has the virtue of making me be born always." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. XIX, Feb. 1 1926)
"How I wish that the human will comes to an end; I wanted to be born at midnight to split the night of the human will with the radiant day of My will. Although night does not end at midnight, it is the beginning of a new day. In order to honor My birth and to indicate the day of My Will, the angels flew High in the sky all night long bringing new stars, new suns; in such a way, that night was turned into more than one day. This was the homage that the angels gave to My little Humanity, wherein the fullness of the day of the sun of My Divine Will resides and calls the creature to enter into the fullness of the day." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. XX, 1 Jan. 1927)
"Jesus came forth from within the light of His Mother, remaining intact and whole, and then returning to their original state. Who can speak of the beauty of the little child in the moment of His birth transfusing to Bethlehem, even exteriorly, the rays of His Divinity? Who can speak of the beauty of the Mother who remains enraptured by the divine rays?" S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. IV, Dec. 25 1900)
"My birth in time was the overflowing of the love of the Most Holy Trinity toward the creatures. In the overflowing of My Mother's love, I was born from her bosom, and in the overflowing of love; I am reborn in the souls.

This overflowing is formed by the desire that the soul has for Me. As soon as the soul begins to desire Me, I am conceived in the soul; the more it desires Me, the more I grow in the soul. When this desire fills the whole interior of man to the point of overflowing, then I am reborn in the entire man. That is, in his mind, in his mouth, in his works, in his steps..." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. VI, 24 Dec. 1903)
"When I came to earth, I wanted to show with My existence how interested I was in man putting an end to his own will. I wanted to be born at midnight so that I could scatter the darkness of the night in which man lived and raise the radiant sun of the Divine Will, which was hidden in my little Humanity." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (vol. XX, Jan. 1, 1927)

The Will of God, our acts and the Divine Truths.

"The Will of God is the paradise of the soul on earth, and the soul that does the Will of God makes paradise for God on earth." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VII, 3 Jul. 1906)
"Each of the truths that I manifest to you is a specialty of love that I give you. " S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XIII, 20 Aug. 1921)
"Rend the heavens with your acts done in my Will, to make my Kingdom descend upon earth." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XV, 2 Apr. 1923)

The Cross

"The Cross is the Incarnation of the soul in God and of God in the soul." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VI, 22 Dec. 1903)
"The Cross absorbs My Divinity in the soul and it makes the soul resemble My Humanity." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. III, 14 Jun. 1900)

The Passion

"The Cross is the Incarnation of the soul in God and of God in the soul." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XII, 4 Feb. 1919)
"In the Passion that the Divinity gave me I satisfied the Father for all the interior sins of man." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XII, 8 May 1919)

Sanctity – Annihilation of the Soul, Prayer and Adoration

"The soul must reach the point of living more in Heaven than on earth." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XII, 6 Mar. 1919)
"True adoration consists in the annihilation of oneself in order to then find oneself in the divine ambiance." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VI, 17 Dec. 1903)
"The more the creature reduces itself to nothing, the more it is filled with the All." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VIII, 18 Nov. 1907)
"I want to make you die to yourself in order to make you rise only in Me." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. I)
"When Uncreated Love finds that the soul is all love, then it absorbs created love into itself." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VIII, 14 Jul. 1907)
"All human actions done with the right intention and for the love of God goes forth from the soul full of light." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. VII, 21 Jul. 1906)
"Union with Me is life, separation is death." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XV, 8 May 1923)
"True holiness is in the Living in My Will." S.G. Luisa Piccarreta (Vol. XII, 14 Aug. 1917)


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